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Copyright Registartion

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Discover the intricacies of copyright registration in India and its role in protecting your artistic creations. With Law.Legal.Tax

Copyright registration in India is a legal process that provides official recognition and protection to the creators of original literary, artistic, and intellectual works. Governed by the Copyright Act of 1957, this registration is administered by the Copyright Office under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry

The registration process involves submitting an application, along with the required fee and copies of the work, to the Copyright Office. Once registered, the copyright holder gains exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, and display the work. This registration serves as evidence in legal proceedings and facilitates better protection against unauthorized use or reproduction of the creative work. While copyright protection is automatic upon creation of the work, registration strengthens the legal standing and offers additional benefits in the enforcement of intellectual property rights

Asked Questions

No, It’s Not Mandatory but it offers stronger legal protection for your creative work

In India , copyright protection typically lasts for the creator’s lifetime plus an additional 60 years .

Yes , you can register multiple works together under the same application .

if your work undergoes substantial changes , you may need to register the modified version separately.

Absolutely , Copyright registration doesn’t restrict your use of the work, it imply protects it from unauthorized use by others .

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